Solution for apt-get update failed in Parrot OS
Step by step tutor to fix the apt source problem and the other things that make update command failed in Parrot OS
What is Parrot OS ?
Parrot is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Testing and designed with Security, Development and Privacy in mind.
It includes a full portable laboratory for security and digital forensics experts, and it also includes all you need to develop your own software or protect your privacy while surfing the net.
Official Link : https://parrotlinux.org/
Article New Update : 2021/03/25
- VMware Workstation 16 Pro with Windows 10
- Parrot Security OS 4.10 64-bit VMDK (Package for VMware)( Download Link )
It seems the problem is no longer pop up with this version OS !
- VMware Workstation 15 Pro with Windows 10
- Parrot Security OS 4.7 64-bit VMDK (Package for VMware)( Download Link )
After installation of Linux operating system, I believe that most of the users will execute the Terminal then goes through the update
and upgrade
command, so do I.
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
But once I run this command, I got a lot of errors just look like below:
E: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling/main amd64 python3-wheel all 0.33.6-2
Cannot initiate the connection to deb.parrot.sh:443 (2400:6180:100:d0::842:4001). connect (101: Network is unreachable) Cannot initiate the connection to deb.parrot.sh:443 (2401:c080:1000:4867:5400:1ff:fedb:6539). connect (101: Network is unreachable)[IP: 443]
Now let’s fix them
Search the apt source nearby and modify the config file with the editor you like, such as vi, vim, nano.
check the website here to find the nearest mirror : link (updated: 2023/05/23)
$ sudo vim /etc/apt/source.list
then add the APT config string
into the file (Here I took the mirror from MIT for example)
deb http://mirrors.mit.edu/parrot/ rolling main contrib non-free
Save & Exit !
Add the flag -o Aquired::ForceIPv4=True
after $ sudo apt-get update
The command will be like this below:
$ sudo apt-get update -o Aquired::ForceIPv4=True && sudo apt-get upgrade -o Aquired::ForceIPv4=True
Then just wait for the process. It might takes a few minutes.
Hopes this help!!